Marine Corps Engineer Association
2012 Reunion
The Branson, Missouri Radisson was our headquarters for the 2012 reunion and awards banquet. We had $90 run of the house room rates effective 7-15 Oct. Nestled in the Ozarks, the Radisson hotel boasts a range of amenities to help guests enjoy a comfortable, relaxing getaway. Radisson Hotel
Wednesday night reception 10/10/12, 1800-2100; $10/person. 45 attended the western themed gathering and enjoyed meeting new members, award recipients and their families, plus the cold snacks and sodas. Door prizes were presented at 1930.
Thursday Biz mtg 10/11/12, 0800-1200; Continental breakfast at $25/person and 25 members attended to hear the briefings from HQMC, Engr Section, the Commanding Officer of the Marine Corps Engineer School and the President of the Marine Corps Bulk Fuel Association, CWO 4 Nate Wilson, USMC (Ret), plus the detailed discussion regarding all the items included during our annual business meeting. See the Meeting minute page for the report.
Thursday tour to Downtown Branson: 0830-1400; 11 members and spouses were picked up at 8:30 am and dropped off at Dick\’s Five & Ten in Historic Downtown Branson and after a walking tour of historic downtown, plus lunch, were picked up at 2:00 pm and returned to the hotel in plenty of time to prep for the Awards Banquet.
Thursday night banquet 10/11/12, 1800-2130: We had the Land & Sea buffet with 3 entrees at $45/person. 137 attended and after the reception, we began the ceremony at 7 p.m. followed by the Buffet Dinner, and then the highlight of the reunion, our Awards Banquet, with our Guest of Honor and award presenter, BGen Banta, Commanding General of 2d Marine Logistics Group.
Friday tour: we had 10 attendees participate in the 0830-1015 round trip to Veteran’s Memorial Museum only
0830-1430: 28 attendees participated in the daylong tour, which included the Vet’s Museum, plus the Branson Belle noon lunch, Lake Cruise and live music show. The Memorial Service prior to boarding the Belle was cancelled due to heavy thunderstorms.
We finished our scheduled events Friday night with an informal get together in the hospitality suite and said our final goodbyes until we meet again, 25-27 Sept, 2013 in Orlando, Florida!
Link to Flash Photo portrait pictures
Link to the Reunion Folder in our Photo Gallery. you must be logged in for it to work.
View Videos of Awards Banquet