Corporate Fact Sheet


Who are we? The MCEA is a HQMC sanctioned, tax-exempt, nonprofit organization (IRS 501 (c) (19)), incorporated in North Carolina in 1991. Web site is


MCEA Purpose / Bylaw highlights:

– Promote Marine Corps engineering in combat engineer, engineer equipment, utilities, landing support (Shore

Party), bulk fuel, topographic and construction engineering, drafting, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)

– Renew and perpetuate fellowship of current, former and retired US Marines who served with Marine Corps

Engineer units and sister service members who served in support of Marine-Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF)


– Awards Program – annually recognize superior achievement of active duty and reserve Marine Corps engineer

individuals and organizations

– Preserve the memory of those who served

– Maintain accurate historical record of Marine Corps engineer performance and contributions

– Provide information for current activities within the Marine Corps engineer community

– Principle supporter of the Marine Corps Sapper Squad of the Year competition


MCEA Eligibility. An Affiliate (Corporate) Membership will be granted to a legally established company or corporation, who by their efforts or products contribute to the mission of U. S. Marine Corps engineers or support military forces or veterans groups.


Corporate Membership Benefits:

– Affordable annual membership dues of $400; 100% tax deductible

– Membership in elite MCEA Fellows Program

– MCEA corporate members packet to include a customized golf shirt

-Active duty and Reserve individual and unit award sponsorship opportunities

– Annual Awards Banquet

-Opportunity to brief and display your products/technology

-Ability to interact with Marines and Sailors who use your product/technology

-Opportunity to interface with representatives from Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps on the future of Marine Corps           personnel and equipment

-Opportunity to meet the year’s “Best of the Best” in the Marine Corps Engineer Family

-Recognition from Guest of Honor during the banquet and picture included in newsletter and on website

-Ability to interact with other sponsors on future collaborative efforts

–Name and logo on MCEA website and in annual MCEA newsletter

– Subscription to MCEA newsletter

– Unlimited access to website and “Members Only” section

– Access to history, lineage and specific information about USMC engineer units

– Availability of unique MCEA Ship’s Store items

– MCEA Member Discounts from Military Historical Tours, Inc.


Bottom Line: MCEA provides a unique opportunity to connect and maintain communication with Marine Corps engineers, the Marine Corps family, recognize outstanding performance of individual Marines and engineer organizations; and creates a memorable legacy for our Marine Corps engineer brotherhood.




PO Box 279

Beechgrove, TN 37018-0279

Phone #: 512-394-9333

