Your Marine Corps Engineer Association has been working with the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation (MCHF) to procure engraved bricks to surround our MCEA Monument in Semper Fidelis Memorial Park overlooking the Museums awesome structure.
For a tax deductible donation of $300, your name, or that of someone you wish to honor or remember, will be engraved on a brick. MCEA has and will continue to solicit contributors to purchase the brick (s) at the standard rate of $300/brick. There is no discount for multiple purchases. Several times a year in conjunction with the MCHF schedule, MCEA will submit the received brick orders for purchase and installation. Based on MCHF guidelines for bulk purchases, of the $300 donation, $210 will be forwarded to MCHF for payment and $90 will be retained by MCEA to support our Brick Program explained below. We also will provide MCHF with all required information for each brick.
Your engraved brick will affirm for posterity your Esprit de Corps with the men and women who risk their lives for the freedom we value. And your gift will help the National Museum of the Marine Corps preserve Corps history and heritage, and forever attest to the honor, courage, and commitment that embody America’s “first to fight.”
For each $300 gift, you will receive a special Certificate of registration recognizing your contribution and confirming the inscription(s) you have submitted as they will appear on the engraved brick(s). Your name will be included in the list of brick owners, located on the website.
Space for our unique MCEA bricks surrounding our Monument is limited and they will be installed in the order in which purchases are received. So please place your order immediately to add to our Engineer history! We currently have 308 bricks purchased with 307 installed. If you missed the last deadline don’t worry we have another brick-buy due in a few months.
The D/L for our next Brick Order submission is 15 March 2025
Each brick line is limited to 20 characters in length to include letters, spaces, and punctuation; each brick can contain a total of up to 3 lines. Each line must end with a full word or name (words and names will not be hyphenated and continued on the next line). You may purchase as many bricks as you like. Bricks purchased separately may not be sited next to one another. You will receive a proof copy of your inscription before it is engraved into the brick.
If you would like to purchase a brick, you may either:
-Complete the order form below and email as an attachment to Garey Tucker at and pay using your PayPal account or by credit card, by clicking on the Donate button below.
-Or, fill in the required information on the form and mail, along with your check made payable to MCEA (annotate in the memo line: bricks). to:
PO Box 279
Beechgrove, TN 37018-0279
MCEA also has the capability to handle multiple owners of a brick. If you are a member of a unit or group and would like to purchase a brick to honor that unit/group with collections from members of that unit/group, all we need is a few extra items of information as follows:
-The name of the POC for the collection. MCHF will only issue one certificate and it will be sent to the POC for distribution to the unit/organization.
-A list of all the donors with the amount they contributed. This is needed for possible IRS receipts at year’s end. For donors of $250 or more we need an email address or home address.
-Who you would like the brick to be listed under (unit name, senior member, POC etc). All other donors will be linked to this name on our website for viewing.
-Do not co-mingle these funds with any other donations. A second brick is OK but don’t split the brick funds with a Unit fund donation or other donation.
Unit Brick Program
In conjunction with our Individual Brick Program, MCEA has initiated a Unit Brick Program to uniquely honor our many Engineer Units both past and present. These bricks will form a border around our monument. Much research was done and 124 units were identified. The list can be viewed by clicking on the Unit List button below.
Currently all our Unit Bricks have been purchased.
If you have recently submitted your order, here is a status of the current bricks awaiting completion. 1 Brick due for installation Spring 2025.
Brick purchases for Block 31 – Submitted November 2024, INSTALL due Spring 2025
Roberts (1) | |||
If you have any questions concerning either brick program you can contact our program coordinator, Garey Tucker at
If you have purchased a brick and would like to find its location, click the Brick Locator Button below.
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